Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tobacoo, Airplanes, Weddings and Power Rangers

I'm at the smoke shop I used to work at when I was 18. One of the old employees gives me a hug and tells me she's disappointed that I haven't lost more weight since I left. A guy pulls up to the drive thru and orders a specific kind of Kools that I just can't seem to find. I walk back to the counter and Ken and Mark W. are standing there with a friend of Ken's. Ken's teasing him and calling him a "dirty Arabian". Mark's really upset because he can't find the chewing tobacco he wants. I try to help him find an alternative.

I'm getting on an airplane. There's someone there with some sort of medical problem that will be made worse if he flies. I'm trying to convince the flight staff that he needs an injection of something but they won't listen. I start making my way to my seat at the front of the plane and Brian comments that the front of the plane is best because planes usually break apart in the middle, near the wings.

 This doesn't make me feel any better.

I'm at Joe and Anna's wedding. It's outside with a bunch of trees around. The groomsmen start coming out through the trees dressed like Scottish warriors or something (white floofy shirts, kilts, furs, staffs). There's a mock battle and Anna emerges from the battle in her wedding dress. I'm off to the side, watching with a group of people. I'm trying not to step in dog poop.

Something having to do with singing Power Rangers. I just remember watching them and trying to figure out which color they were missing. I think it was green.

Nope. There's the green one. Why does he have gold shoulder pads?

Note: Apparently this is what happens when your back is all messed up and you take a couple muscle relaxers before bed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kay Eee Dollar Sign Hah

Having a conversation with my Grandma. She's very young and wearing a red dress. She's telling me all about how she and Grandpa used to go dancing "back in the day".

At Showcase, only it looks nothing like Showcase. One of our troupe routines is set to "My First Kiss" by 3OH!3 and Ke$ha. We're all dressed in black and come on stage crawling and doing acrobatics like something out of Cirque du Soleil. We're also twirling something that looks like one of those light-up bouncy balls on a string. I'm stuck on the other side of the building and end up running on stage late and trying to sneak in through the back. 

Note: Last night was pretty full of dreams but these are the two that I remember clearly. For those that aren't familiar, this is the song that was in my second dream.