Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sucks to be Tara Reid

I'm at an awards ceremony. Actors and actresses are being interviewed and given gift bags. I see Lea Michelle from Glee talking to a director. There's talk that some of the actors are being given better gifts than others. Julia Roberts points to me, refers to me as Tara Reid, and starts saying horrible things. She then offers me some sort of 99 cent award and everyone starts laughing. 

Wow. Who knew Julia Roberts was such a bitch?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Location location location

Shopping for a new house. I have two options on how to get to it. I can go through some long, winding hallways and down some stairs, or I can use the back door. To get to the back door I have to through Sudan, which is dangerous, but more direct and therefore easier to move furniture in. 

Flying to Vegas with Suze. We have an hour to get to the airport and have just started packing. I try to book a later flight. We arrive at the hotel and I realize I have to fly home for something "real quick".

Note: Noticing a lot of Vegas dreams. Perhaps it's a sign that I need a vacation.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who is Adam? I don't know anyone named Adam.

Am in charge of a special needs kid named Adam. He runs away from me and into a junk yard.  I go chasing after him but am blocked by a pile of pastel colored bicycles. Others have joined me in my search and are climbing up piles of pallets to try and find Adam.

Am on vacation with my parents an am arguing with my mother. I tell her she can stay in California if she wants, but I'm going to Las Vegas.

Am running through a hotel. I duck into a gift shop knowing I have to find a certain book for this woman that's in danger. Get into an argument with an employee about whether the book is written by Stephen King or W.E.B. Griffin.

Friday, March 4, 2011

There's a trick to it

Listening to my uncle explain the finer points of how to tip over a honey bucket

Shopping for clothes with Amanda. She tells me the real reason she couldn't hang out on Saturday was that she had to go to a funeral. Her mom's gentleman friend had passed away.

Sitting at a table with Kelly and Maya (only it doesn't look like Maya). They're discussing new Zumba moves.

Talking to Taylor about her years as Columbia in the Tacoma Rocky Horror Picture Show cast.

That's Taylor on the right in the gold jacket