Andrzej and Lady Gaga have decided they like each other but I'm worried about Andrzej getting hurt. I call her cell, call her Stefani (cuz we're close like that), and explain the situation. As I'm looking up her number I walk past a huge line of people waiting to see Van Halen.
Walking along a street at night with Bret. Run into Marth who is trying to avoid some sort of crazy serial killer who is reenacting scenes from Fright Night. We run into a building to try and hide but every floor has nothing but windows and the killer can see us as he drives by in his car. Killer finally comes into the building and we're engaging in hand to hand combat as I yell bible verses at him.
(Not posting a pic of Fright Night because horror movies freak me the eff out. I've never even SEEN Fright Night!)