Meet the Dreamer


This is me (Mandi). I'm an on again off again smoker. One time I tried Chantix to quit smoking. In addition to being highly effective (and insanely expensive), taking Chantix gave me some really crazy dreams. They were so vivid and frequent for a while that I decided to start writing them down. And that's how Naked at School was born.

I'm off the Chantix so I don't always remember my dreams. But I still have the occasional doozy so I will keep maintaining this blog for as long as it remains interesting.

Disclaimer: I don't blog about every dream I have (or remember). This blog is supposed to be entertaining so I keep the truly disturbing or upsetting ones to myself. I'm not worried about you questioning my sanity (waaaay too late for that), I just want to keep this predominantly lighthearted with the occasional "WTF" moment thrown in for good measure.