It snowed last night. I walk out my door and see my neighbor across the street. He magically has a much nicer house and is now an old man with a long beard and an Irish accent, running around in red longjohns and putting up Christmas decorations. I decide I need to start my lawnmower to make sure it still works in the snow. It starts right up but doesn't want to shut off and I'm getting nervous because it's very early in the morning and I don't want to disturb my neighbors. Next thing I know I'm debating with my step-dad whether I should have left extra early to catch the bus. I insist that it's not that snowy out and start to put on my socks until I realize they're my dad's socks. I look out the window and see something with glowy eyes outside (it's still dark out) so I go outside to find out what it is and end up wrestling with some creature in the dark, in the snow, and then it runs away. On my way back up the hill of my parent's back yard I walk past their barn and see that they now have chickens who are sitting on frozen eggs.
Know what's sad? I started trying to think about how you could turn a frozen egg into some kind of dessert...