Am supposed to be engaging in some sort of pro wrestling match. My opponent is tall and lanky, with a goatee and ponytail. He snorts a bottle of 5-hour Energy and passes out.
Sitting at a table with a bunch of essays/term papers spread out in front of me. Mostly English Lit. and one math. Grades are As and B+s. From this I must decide what to major in. I decide to drop math and become an English teacher. There are other people in the room with similar papers. I tell them that I will leave the math and science to people who actually enjoy it and will focus on English or American Literature. However, every time I listen to my friend Kristin talk about teaching history, it kind of makes me want to be a history teacher because she's having so much fun.
There's this 1930s feel to the whole situation. Vince Vaughn owes the government money. He has a mob loan shark pay it for him (better to owe the mob than go to jail I guess). The mob wants to take all the alcohol from his distillery as payment. There's something about the distilling process that he's using to help his son who has really bad asthma. To try and help Vince, I go to the back of a warehouse where a group of men are meeting and ask to speak to Tony. Apparently I know this guy pretty well because he asks me a rather loaded question: "Do you want to speak to 'Tony' or 'Mr.______' (same guy)?" I tell him I'm not sure yet. I explain Vince's situation and say I'm asking Tony as a friend and Mr.______ as a businessman for help.
For the record, Vince Vaughn was not this good looking in my dream. He was loud and crying and very... Vince Vaughn. But this pic had kind of a 30s vibe to it. Also, the mobster in my dream was not actually Mr._______. He had a last name but it's the name of one of my work clients so God forbid he ever discover this blog when doing a Google search for himself.
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